- Written by The I.T. Guy
- Published in Tech Talk
Amazon’s Delivery Technology
Amazon’s Delivery Technology
By the I.T Guy
Click aqui para español- > La tecnología de envíos de Amazon
In April 2019, a video of an Amazon blimp went viral on social media with millions of users watching what they thought was Amazon’s newest method of delivery. In the video, blimps lowered drones and delivered packages to homes.
The video was not real, but what is real, it’s Amazon’s plan to deploy drones and possibly blimps in the future as they patented the idea back in December 2014. Tests have been going on for utilizing these drones for deliveries, but there are privacy issues and software development issues that have halted the efforts.
Amazon is pushing for drone deliveries and expects to implement this system within the next five years. Blimps and drones are supposed to be capable of delivering packages not heavier than five pounds and deliveries should happen within 30 minutes of flight time from their deployment base.